Monday, April 20, 2009

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Cory or Cari said...

Why doesn't it look like anyone is actually trying to hurry? I think I would go Deedra style all covered up.

J and L Palmer said...

how do i steel these pictures? and cari.. it was like black friday at 4 o'clock in the morning trying to get into the the store first! mad

Shari Brinkerhoff Trader said...

Because no body was. thats all. i thought about wearing a wet suit but it was way to hard to get off. I would have never finished because i would be stuck taking that thing off. cari it was so hard. I almost killed someone when i saw the finish line was 200 yards away in the sand!!

Tara Fischbeck said...

thanks for the pics mom! they are great to have!

How It All Started! said...

These are awesome! I look huge though in my wetsuit!!!! I am a wimp and definitely needed it though!